I've been listening to the OG album in the car, learning and embracing the new melodies. They bring to mind "Manoir de Mes Reves" and "Nuages" in the sense that these are beautiful mysterious melodies with manouche jazz spirit, but above all else—melodies! What I mean by that is, we saw Herbie Hancock at Stern Grove the other day and intellectually I know he is a genius, but even with me having a degree in music, I couldn't never hear what key they were in and it made as much sense to me as hearing Chinese. My favorite music quote of all time is when Ginger Baker was doing half hour drum solos with Cream and a journalist asked Ringo if he planned to start doing drum solos. In his dry, calm common sense way he responded, "Well, I think people like to hear the melody..." -Robert Kendall (bigtime, longtime fan)